Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hiking Spots

There are many kinds of sports Outdor. One of them was hiking. Cheap sport without the high cost but require intensive endurance exercises. Endurance exercise is necessary because the sport relies on endurance and leg muscles of respiration, especially when faced with severe terrain such as mountains and sandy terrain, coupled with the heavy load equipment. If the physical endurance exercise diligently done, then all fields can we conquered with ease. Conditions with the field up and down mountains, steep and muddy will confiscate a fairly large force, here the physical endurance resistance training you will be very useful.

In Indonesia this sport is often conducted by student organizations and independent organizations (hobby). Fields are often used in addition to also traverse the coast mountains. Usually the distance traveled nearly 200 km to 600 km. Different sports with sports hiking rock climbing or mountain climbing, because this type of sport specialization required special training, especially physical.

As with the hiking, the sport can be said to include the type of sport does not require special specifications except for the physical, meaning that only require simple training on the introduction of terrain and a compass. current exercise does not make the traverse mountain hiking alone, but has become a sport-travel from one city to another city, or could be called bacpaking poor class, because it does not use any transport (walking only). Another case is backpaking recreational sport that does not require intense physical exercise.

The usual route used olag raga Hiking:
  • Search from Pangandaran coast to Ujung Kulon. The distance of about 600 km to the sandy terrain.
  • Exploring the long march Siliwangi
 Pangandaran Beach, Ciamis-West Java-Indonesia


Ujung Kulon beach, Banten-West Java- Indonesia

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